In Washington State, the Left Won a Major Victory for Taxing the Rich



Last week, Washington State passed a capital gains tax aimed at the state’s ultra-wealthy. The tax is historic because Washington, despite its progressive reputation, until now had the worst tax code in the nation when it comes to fairness, behind Texas, Florida, and South Dakota.

A landmark 2018 report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy found that the poor and working class pay 18 percent of their income in state and local taxes, while the ultra-wealthy only pay 3 percent.

“It’s so upside-down. . . . It’s completely out of step with our values,” Rep. Noel Frame, a champion for tax reform in Washington’s legislature, told me.

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Amid Court Battle Over Capital Gains Tax, House Finance Chair Previews Future Reforms


A bill that would allow the use of home kitchens to prepare food for sale advances to Washington state Senate